$0 prescriptions with insurance
As low as $18/mo without insurance
Free shipping
Direct messaging with providers
100% confidential

Comprehensive care for your sexual & reproductive health needs.
Access essential sexual and reproductive healthcare services and more with our Standard Care Plan, only $12.99/month.
How Twentyeight Health works.
It takes less than 5 minutes.
The provider will review your information and write a prescription, if medically eligible.
Your medication is mailed in 3-5 business days in a discreet envelope.
With every delivery you receive, you’re supporting a movement to make women’s healthcare more accessible and equitable for all.
We donate 1% of our revenues to the National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH).
1. Fill out a 5-minute online medical questionnaire that a licensed provider will review.
2. The provider will write you a prescription (if medically eligible), generally within 3-5 business days.
3. Your medication is shipped free and delivered directly to you within 3-5 business days.
4. You’ll continue to receive medication deliveries, be able to order OTC products, and get benefits according to your subscription plan.
When you sign up for the Standard plan at $12.99/month, you’ll have access to the following extensive benefits:
• Access to all products & services
• Unlimited provider messaging
• Free shipping
• Annual renewal & provider evaluation
• Instant access to provider-vetted content
• Exceptional customer support
• 1 OTC product included every year*
• 20% off all additional OTC products*
*Choose from condoms, tampons, pads, pain relievers (Midol), and more!
You’ll also have the option to downgrade to our Basic plan at $0/month. With the Basic plan, you only get access to prescription delivery, free shipping, provider-vetted content, and customer support. Want to know more about how our pricing works? Find more information here.
Get started with a 14-day free trial to try Twentyeight Health for yourself. Sign up today.
We accept the following payment options:
Credit card: We accept major credit cards such as Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.
Debit card: Use your debit card for a convenient and secure transaction.
Apple Pay: Popular digital wallets like Apple Pay are supported.
FSA/HSA cards: must be affiliated with major credit card networks.